Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

By accessing and using the Website, you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use, which includes this Privacy Policy by reference. This Privacy Policy applies to any information we collect on this Website and in email, text, and other electronic messages between you and us describe the types of information we may automatically collect from you when you visit the Website, and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that information. This policy also describes what you can do to control or opt out of the collection and use of certain information.

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy anytime without any further notice to you. This notice may change from time to time. Your continued engagement with our Website after any such revisions indicates that you accept and consent to them, so please check this notice periodically for updates and check the Last Updated date at the bottom of this privacy policy.

Information We Automatically Collect About You and How We Use It

This Website automatically collects the following information about you and how we use that information is explained in each section:

Personal Information: In the form of return email addresses when a user sends electronic correspondence to us requesting specific information or to make a comment or request a calculator. We use this information only to respond to these requests. We do not share this information with any third parties.

Aggregated Server Information: Information about users as a whole. We receive certain types of information about general website traffic at the Website. This does not include personally-identifying information, but does include visit frequency, which pages are visited, which search terms are used, what domain names (e.g., “” or “”) visitors are coming from, user agents used (e.g. browsers), and the date and time of each visit. We gather and compile this information into an aggregate form for web traffic analysis. This analysis is related to website activity overall rather than on an individual level and does not include personally identifiable information.

Because aggregated information does not include personally-identifying information, it cannot be used to identify you. We may share some aggregated website traffic data with third parties, such as advertisers or contractors, or include it in public records.

IP Addresses: Server logs record IP addresses associated with each accessed resource (e.g. web page, image, document, etc.). This is part of the Aggregated Server Information above however, we do not share this piece of information. When a user submits a contact form, their IP address is recorded in the email that is sent to us. Also, when an error occurs in a Website script (e.g. a calculator) an error message is sent to our support email address with details regarding that error along with the origin IP address which in most cases is the user’s IP address.

We use the IP addresses we collect through the Website by these methods only if necessary and for the sole purpose of combating Spamming and other malicious activities.

For other methods that may be used to collect your IP address on the Website see Cookies used by Third Party Advertisers below.

Cookies used by

With respect to cookies: We use cookies only to track user preferences on the Website, for example, date and currency formats or other preferred calculator choices so these preferences are preset when a user returns however, all calculators remain functional even if you disable your cookies. To specifically block or delete cookies from from your browser you must do so through your browser settings or preferences.

For other first-party cookies set by see Website Analytics and Analytics Cookies

Do Not Track Notice

We don’t currently respond to Do Not Track and similar signals. Please go to All About Do Not Track for more information.

Cookies and Tracking used by Third Party Advertisers (Third Party Cookies)

With respect to advertisements:

  • We may allow third-party companies, including ad networks, to serve advertisements, provide other advertising services, and/or collect certain information when you visit our Website.
  • Third-party companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visit to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you.
  • Third-party companies may use non-cookie technologies to recognize your computer or device and/or to collect and record information about your web surfing activity including your activities on this Website. These technologies may be used directly on this Website.
  • You can control third-party interest-based advertising cookies by
    1. Allowing or blocking third-party cookies in your browser setting. Please keep in mind that your web browser may not permit you to block the use of non-cookie technologies, and those browser settings that block cookies may have no effect on such techniques.
    2. Opting in or opting out as described next.
  • To learn more about Interest-Based Advertising or to opt out of this type of advertising by those third parties that are members of self-regulatory programs such as the Network Advertising Initiative, please visit one or all of the following websites which will allow you to opt out of Interest-Based Advertising by one, or all, advertisers. You can also find information about each ad network, their use of cookies, tracking technologies, and privacy practices.
  • Note that the choices you make may only apply to the one specific device, browser, and browser-user (or browser profile) you are using at the time you make your choices.

Website Analytics and Analytics Cookies

We use Google Analytics to analyze traffic and understand how visitors engage with the Website. We use this information to improve our products and services for our users. We may share this information with ad networks and contractors. This information cannot be used to identify you.

The Google Analytics script may set cookies on your browser or read cookies that are already there. These are identified as first-party cookies under We have enabled the IP anonymization feature in Google Analytics to restrict the collection of personally identifying information. In general, information gathered by Google Analytics from the Website does not contain information that can be used to identify you. You can learn more about how Google uses data and how you can control the information collected by Google on this or any other websites or apps, How Google uses data.

If you don’t want Google Analytics to be used in your browser on the Website, you can:

  • Block first-party cookies from in your browser setting, and/or
  • Install the Google Analytics browser add-on. The add-on can more permanently prevent Google Analytics JavaScript that is running on the Website from sharing information with Google Analytics about your visit activity on websites.